Title Summary Report

The Title Summary report is a customizable, Excel-based report that shows activity information for your titles.

You can create a Title Summary report to show titles within a particular pub date range, archive date range, or based on when the title was created in NetGalley. You can also create Title Summary report for a list of ISBNs or a list of authors. You can also choose to show titles that are active in catalog, active but private, or archived. If your search terms do not produce any results, you will see an error message.

You can create this report by imprint or for all imprints (when logged in as the Company Admin).

To create a Title Summary report from your imprint account, navigate to the Activity tab in the top navigation, then click “Reports”.

nga_title_summary_report.pngTo create a Title Summary Report for specific author(s), simply choose "Search by Author" and input the desired author name(s) into the text box on separate lines. You may search by first and last name together, or by only first or last name. Please note that partial names will return zero results. For instance, if the title details page has “Kimberly” as the author’s first name, searching by “Kim” will not return a result.

To create a Title Summary Report for specific ISBNs, choose "Search by ISBN" and enter the desired ISBNs on separate lines.

There is no limit to the number of ISBNs or authors that you can input to create a Title Summary report.

The Title Summary report shows the same information you’re accustomed to seeing in the Active Title Summary report available in NetGalley Classic.

  • Book ID: This is an internal NetGalley identifier.
  • ISBN, Title, Authors, Pub Date, Archive Date: All pulled directly from the NetGalley title record.
  • Impressions: This is a straight count of how many people have viewed the Title Details page, either from the catalog, or from their Shelf or Dashboard, and provides a useful indicator of interest in the title. You can also view Impressions for a title on the “See Feedback” page.
  • Total Activity: A total sum of requests from the catalog, plus widget invites, Read Now access, and access by members who are auto-approved for your titles.
  • Approved, Declined  and Pending Requests: Displays the number of requests still needing attention (pending), or that have already been approved or declined.
  • Widget Invites: Number of members who have viewed this title as a result of being invited to do so via widget.
  • Auto-approved members: The number of auto-approved members who have accessed the title.
  • Read Now titles: For titles that are set to Read Now in the catalog (all requests automatically approved), the number of members who have accessed the title.
  • Total Kindle: Number of "clicks-to-read" on the Kindle button for all approved members.
  • Total Downloads: Number of "clicks-to-read" on the Download Galley button for all approved members. This will include temporary DRM-protected downloads (Adobe) and Open (no DRM) downloads, depending on what options you’ve selected for this title. Downloads are for all devices except for Kindle.
  • Feedback: The number of times members have shared Feedback about the title via NetGalley.

To create a Title Summary report for all titles, you must be logged in as a Company Admin. Navigate to the Activity tab on the Company Admin Dashboard, and click on “Reports”.

mceclip1.pngYou can click the “Select Account” dropdown to create a Title Summary report for all accounts, or choose a specific imprint.

This report is only available to NetGalley Advanced clients. For more information, reach out to us with questions or request a demo at concierge[at]netgalley.com





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