Activity by Member Type Chart

The Activity by Member Type chart shows specific activity by member type:

  • Approved Access
  • Clicked to Read
  • Early Feedback

It also shows the percentage of activity represented by each member type. You can view this activity based on your currently-active titles, or based on a pub date range. When filtering by pub date, results will include titles whether they are active or archived.

Find this chart by navigating to the Company Admin Dashboard, and clicking the “Activity” tab in the top navigation. This will show you results for All Accounts. You can filter this by imprint, either by changing the dropdown in the top left, or by clicking on one of the pie charts on the main Company Admin Dashboard page.

Scroll to the fourth chart to find Activity by Member Type.

You can also find this chart for a specific imprint by clicking on the "Activity" tab within that imprint's dashboard.


Approved Access: This chart shows the number of approvals you have granted to members of each type for your currently active titles, and what percentage of overall approvals that member type comprises. It includes approved requests, Read Now access, widgets accepted, auto-approved members with access, and wishes granted.

Clicked to Read: This chart shows the number of times members of each type have clicked on the Kindle or Download buttons for your titles, and the percentage of downloads by member type. It represents how many downloads (to any device) there have been for your currently-active titles.

Early Feedback: This chart shows the amount of Feedback submitted by members of each  type across your active titles, and the percentage of Feedback by member type. Early feedback includes opinions, star ratings, member-specific questions, and reviews. Remember that Feedback will continue to be submitted beyond your titles' archive dates, and that some members may hold their reviews until publication.

This chart is only available to NetGalley Advanced clients. 


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