The Types of Access chart shows how requests have been managed. It represents a breakdown of various types of approved, declined, and pending requests. You can also choose to view activity based on a pub-date range.
Find this chart by clicking the “Activity” tab in the top navigation. Company Admin users can filter by imprint by changing the dropdown in the top left.
You will see a visual representation of how members are being granted access to your titles. This shows the percentage of members who have had their requests manually approved or declined, been invited via widget, gained access as an auto-approved member, or had a wish granted.
By default, the Types of Access chart will show data for all active titles, but you can also filter by pub date. When filtering by pub date, results will include titles whether they are active or archived.
Use this chart to gain insight into how people are receiving access to your titles, and to gauge the effectiveness of tools like the widget or wishes. Use it in conjunction with the Types of Access Over Time chart to see trends in how members are accessing your titles.
This chart is only available to NetGalley Advanced clients.