Auto-Approving NetGalley Members

There are a few ways you can add NetGalley members, and your important contacts, to your auto-approved list:

  1. Upload a list
  2. Choose from our validated organizations
  3. Choose members manually - once a NetGalley member has requested one of your titles, or has accessed one of your books via a widget invite, you can auto-approve them for future requests. Just find the member in your Requests and check the "Auto" box.


Once a member is on your Auto-Approved List, any requests that member makes for your books will be automatically approved.
Members are also able to browse for books specifically from publishers who have auto-approved them. If they're logged in, members will see an "Auto-Approvals" link in the sidebar on the Find Titles page. By auto-approving members, you put your books front and center for your most important members to discover.


Please note: If you auto-approve a member from outside of your Region Settings, they will be able to access your titles. For titles that are (Private/Invite Only), you will need to send a widget invite in order for them to access the book.

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