NetGalley Advanced Overview

NetGalley Advanced is the premier service to help publishers track and analyze NetGalley trends across divisions, and make strategic decisions earlier.

NetGalley has always proudly created tools that are designed to dovetail with your current strategies while expanding your reach. Now more than ever before, publishers rely on data to gain insight and drive future decisions. With this in mind, NetGalley Advanced offers even more tools and reports for every level of your organization. 

NetGalley Advanced will help you:

  • Identify trends across divisions and streamline access
  • Discover insights about your audience and strategies
  • Spend less time executing strategies and more time refining them
  • Correlate activity with your promotions

In addition to tools like the widget and Auto-Approved List, which ensure you’re reaching the right audiences, and the title-level reports you already receive, new charts like the Top Performers list, Types of Access over Time chart, and Activity by Member Type chart help publishers make early decisions about their books, and the Word Cloud can help you enhance your metadata and book descriptions. 

The Title Timeline will allow you to pre-schedule multiple phases of availability and see NetGalley promotions that you have reserved.

For publishers with multiple imprints, the Company Admin Dashboard will give you visibility into activity and trends across divisions, with streamlined access to each account. You’ll see company-level reporting, allowing you to closely manage the account as a whole.


Learn more here!

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