The Title Timeline gives NetGalley Advanced clients the ability to pre-schedule a title’s availability settings throughout its lifecycle on the site. With the Timeline, you don’t need to come back to the Title Details page to edit availability. Each phase will occur automatically as scheduled.
These dates are flexible - if you need to change any dates, the system will adjust and reorganize your phases based on the new timing.
Please note: Current Phases are uneditable. To revise a Current Phase, simply create a new phase to replace it! The new phase can start as soon as you want, including same-day.
To start your Title Timeline, click the orange arrow next to the current availability on the Title Details page of your book.
Read Now Limits
The Timeline also allows publishers to limit Read Now availability, either by the number of downloads or by time. Publishers can, for example, allow Read Now access for 1 week or just for the first 100 readers. Once the title reaches that limit, or the date that you’ve chosen, the availability will automatically switch to the Availability you choose.
Scheduled Availability and Scheduled Promotions
If you are participating in a NetGalley marketing promotion, our team will add the Scheduled Promotion to your Timeline so you can see how this relates to other phases you may have created. Our team may also adjust your availability settings on your behalf to correlate with that confirmed promotion, in which case you will also see a “Scheduled Availability”. Here’s more information. If you have any questions, just email us at marketing[at]!
The Title Timeline is only available to NetGalley Advanced clients. For more information, contact concierge[at]