NetGalley Reporting and Data

NetGalley understands how crucial reporting and data can be to your marketing and publicity efforts, which is why we have a wide range of ways for you to better understand how you are interacting with members.

All title-specific reports are accessible under the Reports tab on your Title Feedback page. 

You can access reports either by navigating to the Feedback page for a title, or by clicking the purple gear icon on the right-hand side of your Manage Titles list.

NetGalley Advanced clients have access to even more title- and company-level reporting. Scroll down for descriptions of every report NetGalley offers.




Detailed Activity Report (one title)

The Detailed Activity Report shows you every interaction between a title and the NetGalley community – including approvals, declines, pending requests, widget invites accepted, auto-approved members, wishes granted, and those who have downloaded the file as a Read Now title. It also includes details on downloads and member information, including contact information. Please read through our Best Practices before using a member's contact information.

Find it on the reports tab of your Title Feedback page, or go to the Title Details page and scroll down to the Requests section on the left-hand side, click Manage Requests, and then View All Approval history.

Feedback Report (one title)

The Feedback Report is an Excel-based report that includes consolidated information about the reviews submitted for that title.

You can download this report from your Title Feedback page, either from the Reports tab, or from the right-hand side of the blue bar.


Snapshot PDF (one title)

The Snapshot PDF report includes consolidated information about the activity and opinions submitted for that title.

You can download this report from your Title Feedback page, either from the Reports tab, or from the right-hand side of the blue bar. 

Opinions Report (one title)

The Opinions report allows you to see what each member who left an opinion thought about your title. You can download this report from your Title Feedback page, either from the Reports tab, or by scrolling down to the Opinions section under the Activity tab.image__1_.png

Active Title Report (all titles)

The Active Title report is an Excel-based report that shows summary activity information for all titles that are not archived. You can access this report at any time from your Dashboard by pressing the link below Active Title Report in the Your Titles section of your dashboard, located on the left-hand side of the page. 



Promotions Report (NetGalley Classic and NetGalley Advanced)

The Promotions Report shows all of the NetGalley promotions your account has participated in. The report includes current and past promotions, as well as information about which account ran the promotion, the promotion type, run dates, book title, ISBN, and author. 

For NetGalley Classic clients, this report can be found in your account from the Your Promotions page, featured on your Dashboard. 

NetGalley Advanced clients can find this report by clicking the "Activity" tab and then on Reports in your Company Admin account, as well as the Your Promotions page when logged into an imprint account. 

Title Activity Chart (NetGalley Advanced)

The Title Activity Chart is a NetGalley Advanced line graph that shows the different kinds of activity for a title over time, including requests, member feedback, member access, and reviews. NetGalley Advanced publishers can find this chart by navigating to the feedback page for any title.

New Titles Created Chart (NetGalley Advanced)

The New Titles Created Chart is a NetGalley Advanced line chart that displays the number of titles created each month. It can be filtered by imprint to see individual imprint activity, compare a few imprints at a time, or get an overall picture of activity for all imprints. NetGalley Advanced publishers can find this chart by logging into your Company Admin Dashboard and clicking the "Activity" tab in the top navigation.


Types of Access over Time Chart (NetGalley Advanced)

The Types of Access Over Time Chart is a NetGalley Advanced line chart that shows how requests have been managed over time. It represents a breakdown of various types of approved, declined, and pending requests. NetGalley Advanced publishers can find this chart by logging into your Company Admin Dashboard and clicking the "Activity" tab in the top navigation. 

Types of Access Chart (NetGalley Advanced)

The Types of Access Chart is a NetGalley Advanced pie chat that shows how requests have been managed. It represents a breakdown of various types of approved, declined, and pending requests. You can also choose to view activity based on a pub-date range. NetGalley Advanced publishers can find this chart by logging into your Company Admin Dashboard and clicking the "Activity" tab in the top navigation.

Activity by Member Type (NetGalley Advanced)

The Activity by Member Type Chart is a NetGalley Advanced Chart that shows specific activity by member type, including approved access, clicked to read, and early feedback received. It also shows the percentage of activity represented by each member type. NetGalley Advanced publishers can find this chart by logging into your Company Admin Dashboard and clicking the "Activity" tab in the top navigation.

Top Performers Chart (NetGalley Advanced)

The Top Performers Chart shows NetGalley Advanced publishers their top performing titles on the site by filterable metrics. It can be filtered by number of impressions, requests, members with access, feedback, or average star rating. NetGalley Advanced publishers can find this chart by navigating to the Company Admin Dashboard and clicking the “Activity” tab in your top navigation, and then “Top Performers” in the blue bar. 


Title Summary Report (NetGalley Advanced)

The Title Summary Report is a customizable, Excel-based report that shows NetGalley Advanced publishers activity information for their titles. It can show titles within a particular pub date range, archive date range, or based on when the title was created in NetGalley.  The report can also be created for a list of ISBNs or a list of authors. It can also show titles that are active in the catalog, active but private, or archived. NetGalley Advanced publishers can find this chart by navigating to the Company Admin Dashboard and clicking the “Activity” tab in your top navigation, and then “Reports” in the blue bar. 


Word Cloud (NetGalley Advanced)

The NetGalley Word Cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in member reviews for a specific title in a NetGalley Advanced account. It can be found by navigating to the bottom of a Title Feedback page for a particular title. An Excel-based report can be found with the same information under the Reports tab of the book.


Note: Publishers are responsible for complying with all local laws and statutes related to the protection and legal use of personal information. Publishers should always download and use the most recent reports.





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