This section will help publishers troubleshoot the most common issues related to content files, including:
- File size requirements and notes
- Guidelines for formatting PDF files
- Guidelines for formatting EPUB files
- Guidelines for image-heavy or illustrated files
- Please also visit FlightDeck, an automated tool which checks files for distribution to NetGalley and all major retailers.
Where possible, NetGalley may also provide reasonable, straightforward guidelines for file optimization and preparation. Please contact concierge[at] if you need help with your files, although we highly recommend FlightDeck.
Note: Many of our publishers do include a disclaimer in the digital review copy file to indicate that this isn’t the final text/version. It’s usually standard galley language at the beginning ("This is an advanced reader’s copy, uncorrected page proof, any material quoted should be checked against the final book", etc). In addition, some publishers are adding text to indicate that it’s a NetGalley file (on the first page of each chapter, for instance).