ABA Digital Box

Engage key buyers and bookstore staff by offering pre-approved NetGalley access to validated members of the American Booksellers Association. Drive handselling and Indie Next List nominations!

The ABA Digital Box Newsletter is sent monthly to individuals at American Booksellers Association member stores. This newsletter utilizes a secure widget link for included books to give immediate approved access to the recipient ABA booksellers—which means you can participate even while your book is private on NetGalley. 

Each ABA Digital Box contains one Spotlight Title and up to 15 Regular placement spots. Spotlight Titles are finalized at the discretion of the NetGalley marketing team, and placement is not guaranteed. 

2025 ABA Digital Box Placements: Reserve via this form

Spotlight Title: $800 USD
Regular placement: $700 USD

Contact  for up-to-date stats (recipient counts, website traffic, engagement rates, etc.).
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