Pay by Credit Card

To pay by credit card, whether for a single invoice or for your recurring subscription invoices, please follow the steps below:

  1. Create an account with Intuit
  2. When you receive your invoice from NetGalley (via email) click "Review and pay"Screenshot_2023-03-07_at_4.42.44_PM.png
  3. If you are paying for just one invoice, enter your payment information and press the "Pay" button at the bottom.

  4. If you would like to set up autopay for your recurring invoices, simply click "Turn on monthly autopay" to have your card automatically billed going forward. Please note, this will set up autopay to recur on the same day of each month, based on the date you make the initial payment.

If you are not logged in to your Intuit account, you may see this message instead: "Save a payment method for faster future payments. Sign in or create account." Simply sign in to get started.auto_pay_view_invoice.png

You can view the line item details of the invoice using the "View Invoice" button on the right hand side. If you are viewing on a smaller screen, you may have to use the drop down that says "View invoice and more info" first. 




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