Audio Excerpts on NetGalley

NetGalley clients can add their Audio Excerpts to any title on NetGalley. 

Audio excerpts must be MP3 files. We recommend file sizes up to 10MB, but will accept files up to 24 MB. You can add Audio Excerpt files directly from the Title Details page or via SFTP. To upload Audio Excerpts directly from the Title Details page, click "Upload Files" and scroll to the bottom of the page. 


If you are uploading Audio Excerpt files via SFTP, they must be named to match the existing ISBN on NetGalley (not necessarily the audiobook ISBN). This allows our system to correctly match your file to the existing title record. The file name must follow this format: ISBN-excerpt.mp3


Why add Audio Excerpts to NetGalley?

Promoting all book formats is good for all books! Plus, you will receive early feedback from the NetGalley community. We built the Audio Excerpt feature based on our conversations with audio publishers, and we’re excited to provide you with valuable data. Listeners on NetGalley will be prompted to answer whether they like the narrator, if they want to listen to the rest of the audiobook, whether they would recommend this audiobook to others, and whether the excerpt "draws you in" and "gave you a feel for what this book is about." You’ll be able to see the aggregated responses, Plus, we’ll provide you with the average listening time.


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