Uploading Covers

You can upload cover images directly within your account. You will see the files in your account instantly.

If you are uploading an updated version of a cover image, you may need to clear your cache if it doesn't update for you right away. 

If you are uploading via the Deliver Files Page, cover images can be added before the title record has been created.

For clients who use Eloquence or Firebrand’s Content Services

We will ingest cover images directly from Eloquence when the NetGalley title record is created, as long as the cover image is available in Eloquence on Demand or Content Services. We will collect available Eloquence images on Tuesdays and Fridays. If you need to add a cover image immediately, you can also do so by adding your cover as described below.

For Content Services customers, there is a new asset type (in Title Management) named “NetGalley Cover Art High 500+ (CS)”. At a minimum, the longest side of the image should not be less than 500 pixels, but we can take any size larger than that (.jpg only).

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