Check Upload Status on Files

There are a number of ways you can tell whether your files have been uploaded and processed correctly.

  1. On the Upload Titles page, you will see a colored dot indicating whether they are ready. 


  2. In the side-bar on your Title Details page, in Title Information, you will see the file types that are present.


  3. The File Import Notices contact will receive a NetGalley Import Report email when assets (covers, content files such as EPUB and PDF files, manifests) are added to the Deliver Files page and successfully import into your NetGalley publisher account. Read more about that here.
  4. Under MANAGE TITLES, hover over the title's Status to see more information. If you are missing content or your content was not uploaded successfully, a warning will appear here.


Please Note: Only the most recently uploaded file will be delivered to approved members, regardless of whether it's an ePub or PDF.







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