Upload a List of Contacts to Auto-Approve

You can upload a .csv file that includes email addresses in order to add them to your auto-approve list. 

First click to your Auto-Approved tab, and then on Add Members.


Here, you can type in the email addresses of the members you'd like to auto-approve, or upload a CSV with these email addresses.  If an email address on that list is associated with a member who has already accessed one of your titles, the member will be added to your auto-approval list. (Note: This initial checking process takes some time, approximately 45 minutes.)

For email addresses associated with a member who has never requested a title or gotten access to one of your titles, the email address will be added to a Pending auto-approval list. (The person must be a NetGalley member and have some interaction with you before they can be auto-approved, due to the privacy policy.) The pending auto-approval list is visible from the Auto-Approved page, by selecting the Pending tab, and you can download this list via the Download tab, making it easy to email your contacts and send them a widget prompting them to log in. Here's some template language!

Members on that Pending list will be added to your Auto-Approved List after they have requested one of your books, or after they click on a widget link that you provide them.

The easiest way to ensure that those "Pending" auto-approvals make it onto your list is to send a widget for a particular title and say something like: “You’re pre-approved for this title, and after you click on this widget link, you will be auto-approved for ALL our titles in future.” 


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