Validated Librarian and Bookseller Logos

Through our partnerships with library and bookseller organizations worldwide, validated members can display their affiliation in their NetGalley Profile. We partner with the American Library Association (ALA), Australian Library & Information Association (ALIA), American Booksellers Association (ABA), Booksellers Association in the UK (BA), and Canadian Independent Booksellers Association (CIBA).

When a member joins NetGalley as a Librarian or Bookseller, they have the opportunity to add their member number to their NetGalley account, depending on their location. Once the member number is verified, you will see the appropriate logo next to the member's name when they request a title or when you view their Profile.

Hint: Auto-Approve these members so that their future requests will be instantly approved, saving you time managing requests, and giving them even faster access to your titles!

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