Creating Title Records in Bulk: The NetGalley Manifest

Note: This article ONLY applies for NetGalley clients who are providing NetGalley with ONIX feeds and want to use a manifest to create multiple title records at once. If you are not providing NetGalley with an ONIX feed, use the Create New button within your account.

Once NetGalley begins receiving your full ONIX feed, you can use a manifest file to create new title records in NetGalley. Since your ONIX feeds contains many, many more titles than you want in NetGalley at any one time, the manifest tells us which titles to create and where to put them.

The manifest is a simple .CSV file containing the ISBN and title name for the titles you want created in NetGalley. Your manifest file will need to be named with your NetGalley account login name, so we know where to add the files. (Example: netgalleypress.csv).

You will add your manifest (as well as content and covers) to the Deliver Files page, or the NetGalley SFTP folder. 

Title records will be created from manifest files once per hour. 

If you have multiple imprint accounts, you’ll need to create different manifests for each imprint account, to tell us where to put the titles. (Like this: ngfiction.csv; ngnonfiction.csv; ngkids.csv).

Here is a sample of what a manifest looks like. Please follow the formatting instructions here!

For titles created through this process, updates received via ONIX will automatically appear in the NetGalley title record as they are received.

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