Note: This article ONLY applies for NetGalley clients who are providing NetGalley with ONIX feeds. If you are not providing NetGalley with an ONIX feed, use the Create New button within your account.
A manifest file is a simple .CSV file that can contain up to four columns: ISBN-13, Title Name, Archive date, and an email address to whom all feedback notifications will be sent for that title. Other title-specific information will be filled in by your ONIX feed.
You can easily save a file as .CSV from Microsoft Excel, Google Spreadsheets, and other programs by choosing "File" and then "Save As."
The file must be saved with the exact login name of your NetGalley account (like this: netgalleypress.csv). Remember, if you have multiple imprint accounts, you’ll need to create different manifests for each imprint account, to tell us where to put the titles. (Like this: ngfiction.csv; ngnonfiction.csv; ngkids.csv). File names are case sensitive.
Manifest files can be uploaded through the Deliver Files page.
Here are some tips and tricks for creating a manifest file:
- Please do not put any dashes or letters in the ISBN column; use only the 13 digits, like this: 9781234567890.
- If adding an archive date, follow the format YYYYMMDD (e.g: 20190507)
- Please note, archive dates listed in the manifest will override any auto-archive settings listed in your overall account settings.
- Excel has a strange default way of handling 13-digit numbers in columns, by converting the 13-digit number to a format like this: 9.78E+12. To correct this, click on the top of the Column "A" to select the entire column. Right click, and choose "Format Cells." In the "Number" tab, select "Number" and then "0" for the number of decimal places. Click OK.
- You will have to do this each time you submit a manifest, or Excel will convert your ISBN to the 9.78E+12 format, and the manifest will not import.
Here is an example manifest file (.csv) that you can download: