NetGalley members are expected to provide feedback for the books and audiobooks they access, in exchange for receiving free digital review copies. We know that it's important for authors and publishers that the feedback they're receiving through NetGalley is thoughtfully crafted, and so we coach our members to write impactful and useful reviews in a number of ways.
Here are just some of the resources we have for NetGalley members to help them produce the best reviews possible:
- NetGalley Review Guidelines
- The Book Advocate Tool Kit
- Guidelines like "How to write a book review" and "How to write a critical book review"
- Guidelines for DNF reviews, and when these are appropriate
NetGalley members are regularly reminded of these resources through our social media channels and on their Shelf Dashboard.
We also have built-in resources, like this link above the review text box:
Which leads the member to these tips: